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Alex Lederer, HTML Exercise

Alex Lederer, HTML Exercise

HTML can help you navigate less popular chatting programs

Hey professor are you reading Animal Man and Swamp thing by Marvel Comics?

They are pretty good, way better then the batman arc that I read, whoo boy

Many online forums use the same type of structure as HTML, especially for embedding items like video or altering texts.

I should really talk about Animal Man. Not even sure what it’s about really, the comic book medium does not allow for a lot of nuanced story telling, it’s mostly about paring visuals with text.
Animal Man is p good, visuals are p crazy. Even though the whole thing is basically them running from one place to another, trying to escape “the rot,” it’s mad decent. I don’t really like comic books but I do like when people let me read them on their iPads.

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This is bold and italics I guess. This is also bold and italics I guess.


~ by aledere1 on September 6, 2012 .

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